Ephesians – Saved for a Purpose!

Paul’s Letter to the Ephesians

God’s Glorious Truth will produce a Righteous Response in us! 

September 25th to December 18th

Ministry Center, room 303

Course Description

In this class, taught by Pastor Don, we will examine Paul’s letter to the church of Ephesus, which is located in modern day Turkey. We will look at the background information, and discover how Paul came to Ephesus, how he lived there for about 3 years and worked diligently to establish a church in this port city of the Roman Empire. While he wrote the letter, Paul was under house arrest awaiting his trial before Caesar for nearly two years, chained 24/7 to the infamous Praetorian Guard. As a result, Paul was able to state that the whole house of Caesar had heard the Gospel. 

So what is in this incredible letter for us today? Wow! Be prepared to be amazed at all that God has done for His glory in saving people from the domaine of darkness. After Paul expounds on the incredible things God has done to make Himself known, and what He as done to save us in chapters 1-3, Paul then proceeds to teach us about how all that Truth calls us to respond in all aspects of our lives together in the church, in our community, in our families and homes, in the church, and in the spiritual battle happening all around us.

God’s Glorious Truth will produce a Righteous Response in us! 


Lesson 1

Lesson 2